Halftoning Techniques Based on Error Diffusion for Electronic Governance
Nowadays, Electronic Governance has to be managed so as to build various types of solutions for different applications. Images as a part of file format that need to be processed before being used in a specific application. Documents need to be secure during the transformation over the internet. This kind of techniques helps to protect or secure document with conversation in to secured form. Halftoning technique is used to convert a continuous-tone (grayscale) image into a binary image based on some algorithms like Error Diffusion (ED). Error diffusion is considered as one of the best algorithms, which produces high-quality images with reducing the computation cost. For halftoned images applications, it is necessary to measure the quality of halftoned image. In this paper, the efficient error diffusion algorithms applied for half-toning is based on Floyd-Steinberg, Jarvis and Stucki filters’ error diffusion. Moreover, performance is evaluated by respective techniques, and its metrics such as MSE, PSNR, AD, MD, MAE and Universal quality index (UQI) represents a promising result to determine the best error diffusion algorithm for halftoning to secure the documents. This technique is also useful in the secured documentation in governance and may be used in digital banking